Hi everyone,
With Summer coming to an end and the new season approaching, we wanted to touch base with all of our community partners. We recently wrapped up our fiscal year, and we are proud to say that with your help, FDLA Street Law reached almost 3,300 Chicagoans last year, of which about 2,200 were kids 17 and under. That's a great start, but we've barely scratched the surface. The Chicago Police Department made 27,563 juvenile arrests in 2010. FDLA would like nothing more than to provide a free attorney at the police station for every juvenile arrest in the City of Chicago, but we can't send an attorney if we don't get the call. More often than not these kids are on their own when dealing with the police. That's why it's imperative that our kids know how to behave when interacting with police to reduce the chance of arrest. That's why it's imperative that our kids know which Constitutional rights apply in such a situation, and how to protect themselves when there is no lawyer present. That's why it's imperative that everyone in the community know the number for the FDLA Chicago Police Custody Hotline so that a lawyer can advocate for our kids in the unfortunate event that they are arrested. We need your help. Together we can drive down youth arrests and convictions and help cut off the school to prison pipeline. We need to reach far more than 3,300 Chicagoans this year and we need your help to do it. We are ready to schedule Street Law presentations with your organization today, and if you forward this email to your community partners, and they forward it to their partners, and so on down the line, we can reach every corner of this city. Please check your calendars and contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss FDLA Street Law and schedule a presentation for your groups. And don't forget to forward this email. We thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you. |
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