Thursday, December 1, 2011

2012 Spring Non Profit Opportunities Fair & workshops

Wed, January 25, 2012 9:00AM to 2:00PM (Central)
Chicago, IL
Loyola University - Centennial Forum Student Union



Join us on January 25, 2012 for a day of professional development workshops and a recruitment fair to engage Loyola students with your organization through volunteer opportunities, internships, or service-learning projects! Feel free to attend a workshop in the morning, stay all day for workshops AND the recruitment fair, or join us later for the recruitment fair only. It's completely up to you and your organization's schedule! Below is an outline for the day and a description of the workshops provided.


*All events located in Centennial Forum Student Union on the Loyola Lakeshore Campus.*

  • 9:00 a.m. - Registration: Coffee and pastries provided.
  • 9:30 a.m. - Concurrent Workshops: See descriptions below.
  • 10:30 a.m. - Set-up for Recruitment Fair begins.
  • 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. - Recruitment Fair


  • Effective Volunteer Management: This workshop will discuss best practices in recruiting, training, and managing volunteers and interns. Perfect for new volunteer coordinators or those interested in expanding their volunteer base.
  • Asset-Based Community Development: This workshop will provide an overview of the principles and practices of this community development model. Questions and discussions of place, social captial, and common vision will guide the conversation.


Feel free to contact Travis Proffitt, Community Partnerships Coordinator, at or at 773-508-7690.


Streets for Cycling Plan 2020

The City of Chicago is embarking on the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 to identify a network of bicycling facilities that will ensure all Chicagoans, from children riding to school to senior citizens riding to the grocery store, feel safe and comfortable riding their bike on the city’s streets.

December 10th, Saturday

10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

23 E. Madison St. (storefront)

Three additional public meetings will be held later this winter.

Like us at for additional meeting information.

(To request a reasonable accommodation, contact or call 630-534-6400. At least 72 hours advance notice is required.) In the event of inclement weather, please check or Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 Facebook page for meeting rescheduling information.

Laura Wilkison

MetroStrategies, Inc.

Cell: 773-454-3897

Chicago's 2012 HIV/AIDS Awareness Day of Workshops

Hello and good day, this is Kenya Robertson of FAM Entertainment Theater Company, NFP. I am hoping your organization would join with us for Chicago's 2012 HIV/AIDS awareness day of workshops at FORD CITY SHOPPING MALL on March 10, 2012. Because there will be over 1200 teen girls and women in attendance for this event we are offering your organization the opportunity to showcase your services and mission to participants. After you review the attached, please let us know your interests and I will provide a more detailed description of the event.

I thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Kenya Robertson
FAM Entertainment Theater Company

LEED Skills Job Traiing program in Region 3

LEED Council Offers "Home Performance: Green Carpentry and Weatherization"

We are recruiting for a high-powered, comprehensive job-skills training program designed for individuals with a genuine interest in the rapidly developing specialties of green carpentry and weatherization.

This program is primarily targeted at unemployed or underemployed individuals living in the Austin, East Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, Logan Square, Near West Side, North Lawndale, West Garfield Park, or West Town Community Areas. Residents of certain other Community Areas are also eligible.

The training starts on Monday, December 12.

Please note, however, that prospective trainees must go through a 5-step, 10-hour intake process.

Absolutely no walk-ins will be accepted.

Individuals with interest should contact
: Ebony McLaurin, Client Services Coordinator, at 773-929-5552 ext. 228. She will lead them through the intake process.

Internship Opportunity for Foster Care youth

The Foster Youth Internship Program of the Congressional Coalition on
Adoption Institute (CCAI) is an internship program for young adults who
spent at least 24 consecutive months in foster care at any point in
their life and who have completed at least 4 semesters of higher
education by May 29, 2012. CCAI places interns in Congressional offices
in Washington, DC for a 9-week internship program. The goal of the
program is to educate policymakers about the experiences of foster youth
in an effort to inspire legislative improvements to the foster care
system. Interns participating in this program benefit both personally
and professionally, gaining experience and networking with professionals
from various fields that will bolster their careers for years to come.
In addition, interns are given the opportunity to share their
recommendations for improving foster care by writing a policy report
that is presented at a briefing and disseminated to policymakers and
advocates across the country. Housing, travel, and a weekly stipend are
provided by CCAI.
Applications are accepted now until January 6, 2012.

The program will run May 29-July 28, 2012.
For more information and to apply, visit

2012 Business License Renewal Online

2012 Business License Renewal Online

As of January 1, 2012, all City of Chicago business license renewals must be processed online. An "Online Business License Renewal Tutorial" workshop will be held on Friday, December 23rd, from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Room 805 of City Hall. The workshop will consist of a demonstration on how to use the Online Business License Renewal System, and a discussion about the various things to keep in mind when renewing your business license. You will find that the online license renewal process is fast, easy and secure. More tutorials will be held in early 2012. For more information, please contact the Chamber at 773-734-0626.

White House Summer Internship

White House Summer Internship

The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. Although unpaid, this hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today’s young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office and prepare them for future public service opportunities.

The application period for the summer 2012 White House Internship Program is now open until January 22, 2012.

To learn more, and to apply, visit:


The deadline for submitting an application is

Wednesday, January 11, 2012. To apply, visit

The Gates Millennium ScholarS Program

For students entering college for the first time in the fall 2012, the GMS 2012 Scholarship Application online process is now open. The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

GMS will select 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. We provide Gates Millennium Scholars with personal and professional development through our leadership programs along with academic support throughout their college career.

Our program is more than a scholarship—it’s an opportunity to change your life! Just ask Deonte Bridges how much the GMS scholarship means to him.

If you are willing to serve as a nominator or recommender for deserving students, you can make a difference in their lives.

The goal of GMS is to promote academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for outstanding minority students with significant financial need to reach their highest potential by:

  • Reducing financial barriers for African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American and Hispanic American students with high academic and leadership promise who have significant financial need;
  • Increasing the representation of these target groups in the disciplines of computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health and the sciences, where these groups are severely underrepresented;

Summer 2012 Corporate Internships at Walgreens

Its that time again. I am now hiring for Summer 2012 Corporate Internships at Walgreens!

These internships are excellent opportunities for HIGH POTENTIAL, DIVERSE students to work in a corporate setting for a Fortune 50 company!

Current position openings include: Merchandising, Supply Chain, Human Resources, Distribution Center, eCommerce, Strategic Sourcing, Marketing, Customer Experience/Loyalty, Internal Business Consulting, and Human Resources. However, there will be many more openings in the next few months.

Some of the basic qualifications include:
-Must have AT LEAST a 3.0 GPA for undergrad and AT LEAST 3.5 GPA for MBA. (Anything under will NOT be considered)
- Must be a Sophomore, Junior, at 1st Year MBA student with 1-4 semesters of school left .
-Must live in the Chicagoland area or be willing to relocate during the summer. Most positions will be in Deerfield, IL. A few positions will be Downtown Chicago.
Please feel free to share with your networks. Interested individuals should apply online at AND contact me at with the position they are interested in.

Thanks a bunch
Marquita Cunningham, MBA
"To whom much is given, much is required."

Small Business Development Resources

Small Business Development Resources

Good afternoon. I just wanted to share small business resources that you, or someone you know, may find of interest.

State Representative LaShawn Ford Small Business Seminar

State Representative LaShawn Ford, the Chairman of the Small Business Empowerment and Workforce Development Committee, will be hosting a Small Business Seminar on Saturday, December 17, 2011, at the offices of the Chicagoland Foreign Investment Group, LLC, 111 East Wacker Drive, 26th Floor, Chicago, IL. A number of State Agencies will be present to provide information about their services, and conduct a workshop on how small businesses may get certified to do business with the State of Illinois. You may download a flyer for the workshop and a fact sheet for doing business with the State below.

Entrepreneurial Idol

Chicago State University, in cooperation with Senator Mark Kirk and Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr., are sponsoring the Entrepreneurial Idol Competion for Small Businesses and Nonprofit Businesses. The multi-step process will start this Friday, December 2, 2011, with a workshop, and culminate with a winner selected by a judges panel and audience members on February 3, 2012. Click onto the link below to learn more.

Million Dollar Business Pitch

Michael Baisden, a nationally-syndicated radio host with WSRB, is sponsoring the Million Dollar Business Pitch. Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to submit their business, product, or service for a chance to get a part of a $500,000 investment into small businesses. Click onto to learn more.

Business Plan Pro Discount

You can order Business Plan Pro and Marketing Plan Pro at discounts ranging from 20%-40%. Business Plan Pro will provide

  • 500+ sample business plans
  • Funding tools to impress investors
  • Lender-ready documents

  • Visit for further information.

    If your business or nonprofit organization is looking for someone to write a business plan or review it for reasonableness, please feel free to contact me.

    Emilie & Friends Releases Report on the City of Chicago's
    Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Program

    I thank Otis Monroe, CEO of the Monroe Foundation, for sharing an e-mail from the Emilie & Friends Show, with links to a press release and report regarding the City's track record on contracting with Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises. Click here to download the e-mail.

    Valerie F. Leonard
    Community Development Consultant
    Phone: 773-521-3137

    Fax: 773-522-1832
    Weblog: (Staying In the Loop)

    Move Me Soul: Dance Performance in Austin

    Please support our youth...

    Urban Suites Flyer PDF.jpg

    New Starts, Second Chances Erasing Juvenile Criminal Records

    Location: POWERHOUSE HIGH 931 S. Homan Ave.
    Time: 5:30-7:30p
    Date: December 12 2011

    New Starts,Second Chances
    Erasing Juvenile Criminal Records
    Monday, December 12
    5:30 - 7:30

    Power House High School
    931 S. Homan Ave.
    Free Pizza!
    Educate Yourself!
    Work for Change!

    Hello Everyone,

    I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity for your students and youth who you work with. A group of students at Power House High School in North Lawndale is organizing and will be facilitating a workshop about the value and importance of erasing juvenile criminal records.

    The workshop is on December 12th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. There will be pizza. If you are planning to attend and bring youth, please RSVP to me at so that I have a sense of how much food we will need.

    Please come out to support the young people. They are working really hard on pulling this together. Attached you will find a flier for the workshop & below is a link:

    Hope to see many of you there with your youth.

    In peace,


    Mariame Kaba
    Founder and Director
    Project NIA

    Our mission is to dramatically reduce the reliance on arrest, detention, and incarceration for addressing youth crime and to instead promote the use of restorative and transformative practices, a concept that relies on community-based alternatives.

    Visit our new resource -- Chicago Youth Justice Project --

    Be Green & Save Green at BBF

    LCDC Energy Summit
    CEDA will be accepting applications on site!

    Be Green - Save Green
    Learn how you can save 20-30% savings on your Utility Bills
    at the
    Lawndale Energy Action Fair (LEAF)
    Saturday, December 3rd
    10am – 12 noon
    Better Boys Foundation
    1512 S Pulaski Rd Chicago, IL
    Games, Info, and Fun!!!
    Raffle and Prizes!!!
    Sponsored by
    Lawndale Christian Development Corporation
    Center for Neighborhood Technology
    I-Go Car Sharing
    Delta Institute
    UIC – School of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
    For More Information Please Call

    Toy Drive in Pilsen

    Hello everyone!
    I am doing a special Toys and Gift Drive for my community Pilsen.
    I decided to give readings in exchange for a gift. These gifts would then be donated to children of the community. Now this gift should be the same value as the reading.

    Tarot readings are 20.00 and for additional services it is more.
    If you come and get one service bring one toy at the value of 20.00
    if you know you will get 2 or 3 services bring 2 or 3 toys of equal value.

    Here are my prices:
    Tarot Readings 20.00 30mnts
    Angel Readings 20.00 30mnts
    Palm Readings 15.00 25 mnts
    Dream interpretation 15.00 25mnts
    Spirit Reading where you contact a deceased loved one 20.00 30 mnts
    One hour readings are 40.00

    Mujeres Latinas En Accion will be benefiting from this special Toy Drive.

    The toys/gifts will go to their clients’ children from 18 months to 11 years old. Most of these children have dealt with abuse in their families and come from a single parent home.

    *Please bring a toy or clothing for boys and girls ages 8 months to 11 years old

    To book your session for this special Tarot Reading please email me at
    or respond to this invite.
    Please let me know the day and the time you will come.

    Please make sure to keep your appointment we are counting on you to make a difference in these children's lives.



    Toys and Gift drive with Tarot Readings!

    December 14th 2011
    Efebinas Cafe 1640 W. Blue Island
    3pm till 9pm

    December 15th 2011
    Efebinas Cafe 1640 W. Blue Island
    3pm till 9pm


    Free Flu shots for residents: Ward 2 news

    Ward #2 News!

    2nd Ward Flu Clinic

    Alderman Bob Fioretti is proud to partner with the

    Chicago Department of Public Health to offer

    FREE flu shots for residents.

    No appointments are necessary;

    This is a walk-in clinic.

    Noon to 3 p.m.

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    First Immanuel Lutheran Church

    1124 S. Ashland Ave.

    charlie brown christmas tree


    Neighbors Helping Neighbors

    In partnership with the West Loop Community Organization, we are starting a new tradition in the 2nd Ward. We have reached out to pastors and community leaders to identify families in the 2nd Ward who don't have the resources to have a very good holiday.

    We are truly humbled with the interest of this program . . . The generosity of our residents is truly wonderful! However, we still have families who need assistance.

    We have asked each family to list each member and a "wish" for a gift this holiday season. We are asking the generous residents of the 2nd ward to "adopt-a-family" and donate the items the needy family requested.

    We are hoping to have the items by December 19th, at our office at 1319 S. State St, so we can get them to the families in time for Christmas.

    Each family is different, and many of the requests are simple; toys, household items, and winter clothes.

    Please contact Beth O'Mara in my office at

    312.263.9273, or email her at:


    We will provide you with more information about a family available for adoption in this effort. Of course, if you know a family who is struggling this season, please let Beth know, so we can get them involved with this program. We are hoping to give each family their presents during the week of December 19.

    Together, we can help those less fortunate in the 2nd Ward. After all, this is truly the spirit of community and the holidays.

    Magazine for youth by Youth

    Insphire Magazine is a new youth magazine dedicated to informing high school teens about careers and educational pathways available to them. This hot and funky magazine will be filled with information about teens that are making a difference in their futures and the future of their communities. Written and edited by local teens, this magazine is truly by youth, for youth and aspires to give our local youth an outlet to let their concerns be heard, their opinions be validated and to help them create a roadmap to their future aspirations.

    For more information about Insphire or to be added to our mailing list, please send an email to

    Hire Learning Career Development Academy

    Hire Learning is currently taking applications for high school students interested in entrepreneurship. We are kicking off our Young Executive's Academy which is a 20 week program where students will actually run their own enterprise. I've attached the application, flier and information on Hire Learning. Feel free to forward this info to students that may be interested. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks!

    Kelly Evans, President/CEO
    Hire Learning Career Development Academy

    *located in Chicago south suburbs

    Cease Fire Program Beat 423 now Hiring

    Claretian Associates’ is proud to announce, South Chicago CeaseFire program will be returning to Beat 423 and possibly expanding to Beat 424 starting mid October or mid November.
    Because of the proposed expansion of the CeaseFire Beat area, we will also be increasing our staff by adding 3 Outreach Workers and 1 Outreach Worker Supervisor to our South Chicago CeaseFire team. You will find the job descriptions attached and we encourage everyone to visit the CeaseFire web site at for more information. For more information contact Katrina Parker at or 773. 734. 9181.
    We have a rigorous hiring process and only serious candidates should apply. If you know anyone who might be interested in these positions, please feel free to forward this email to them.
    Katrina Parker
    Claretian Associates
    Safety Manager
    9108 S. Brandon Ave.
    Chicago, IL 60617

    Hearst Foundation Grants for Cultural Projects

    Hearst Foundation Grants for Cultural Projects ­ Supports programs that
    enrich the lives of young people by engaging them in cultural activities,
    primarily through arts-in-education programs. Grants are awarded to major
    institutions and community organizations in the arts and sciences that
    address the lack of arts programming in pre-K through 12th grade curricula
    by providing comprehensive, on-site and/or outreach education activities.
    Considers requests from organizations with operating budgets under $1

    Submit a brief cover letter, one-page executive summary, and a
    five-page proposal narrative and attachments.

    See website for complete
    guidelines and application procedure.

    NOTE: Applications by postal mail
    only. Organizations East of the Mississippi River should send requests to:
    The Hearst Foundations, 300 West 57th St., 26th Floor, New York, New York
    10019-3741, T: (212) 586-5404, FAX: (212) 586-1917; Organizations West of
    the Mississippi River should send requests to: The Hearst Foundations, 90
    New Montgomery St., Ste. 1212, San Francisco, CA 94105, T: (415) 908-4500,
    FAX: (415) 348-0887,
    Deadline: Ongoing

    Monday, November 21, 2011

    Illinois Re-Entry Resources

    Illinois Re-entry Resources
    Organization Web Site Contact Alternate Contact Description of Services
    Adult Education & Vocational Services, IDOC
    3506 W Grand Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-342-4729

    Four Like Skills sites in Chicago-Cook County; other sits in central and southern Illinois; provides transitional services for offenders upon release
    Affirmation House
    11542 S Yale Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-527-0352
    Phone 2: 773) 660-1067

    Arthur Young: Executive Director
    Sandi Brown: President Men in Transition MIT over 35 yr old; 7 Week Intensive Re-Entry Preparation & Transitional Job-Site Training Program job placement assistance GRASP it; Gentlemen's Closet.
    Bethel New Life
    4950 W Thomas
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-473-7870

    Community Development programs to support housing; family; elders; and employment needs
    Breaking Ground-APL Teaching Factory
    3501 W Fillmore St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-265-1370 Peter Payne: Director of Discipleship House
    Phone: x129
    Jeff Dennis: Executive Director
    APL Learning GED, Job Advocacy; Employment in Carpentry and Window Cleaning; Manufacturing; Temporarily Closed: Discipleship House; Support Group Meetings Christian Org - part of Navigators
    Breakthrough Urban Ministries-Men's Services
    5237 N Ashland
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-989-8353
    Phone 2: 773-989-4383 Arloa Sutter: Exec Director
    Shelter for Men; showers; food; Christian counseling & employment services
    Business and Human Resources Center
    4800 W Chicago Ave Ste 100
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-786-0148 Kevin McCauley: Westside Jobs Collaborative
    Phone: 773-252-3663 ext 112

    Sponsored 2-day "Second Chance Ex-Offender Job Connection" at Truth and Deliverence Temple, 3 S Laramie Ave. Chicago
    CARA Program
    703 W Monroe St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-798-3319 Maria Kim: VP Resource & Career Development
    Phone: 312-798-3319

    assists individuals (homeless) to secure quality employment; transformation for live; case mngmnt; life skills; Motivation classes; skills &job readiness training; works with about 80 employers
    Careers, Etc.
    5301 E State St, Ste 207
    Rockford, IL
    Phone 1: 815-964-3491 Stephen M. Haight: President & CEO

    Employment Prep, placement and transitional jobs.
    Catholic Charities of Chicago
    720 N LaSalle St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-655-7500

    Counseling, Casemanagement, Referrals, Food, Job prep
    Catholic Charities, Chicago
    651 W Lake St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-655-7700
    Phone 2: 312-655-7718 Rev. Michael Boland: President, CEO
    Phone: 312-655-7032
    Ellen E. Gorney: Director of Programs
    Phone: 312-655-7758
    Family Shelters; New Hope Apartments-transitionlal; employment training; substance abuse; food pantry; clothing; case management services
    Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
    611 E Cass St
    Joliet, IL
    Phone 1: 815-774-4663

    Catholic Charities, North Chicago
    671 S Lewis Ave
    Waukegan, IL
    Phone 1: 847-782-4000

    Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation-Oliver's Kitchen
    4345 W Division St.
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-252-3663

    Oliver's Kitchen is a professional culinary training program that provides homeless, welfare-to-work and under-employed or unemployed individuals; a free 12-week program includes job placement.
    Chicago Christian Industrial League
    2750 W Roosevelt Rd
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-826-8721
    Phone: 773-435-8385

    Transitional housing; Food Training Program; Landscaping; clothing; food; shelter; counseling; literacy; employment preparation; case management
    Chicago Ex-Offender Re-entry Initiatives
    City Hall - 121 N LaSalle, Rm 507
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-744-1234

    Multiple job training and employment opportunitieswithin city government including collection and recycling on Goose Island; landscaping, beautification; city vehicle reapir; transitional jobs.
    Chicago Jobs Council
    29 E Madison St, Ste 1700
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-252-0460

    Robert E. Wordlaw: Executive Director
    Organization of more than 100 community-based organizations, civic groups, business and individuals to ensure access to employment, career advancement for people in poverty.
    Chicagoland Prison Outreach
    407 W. 104th Street
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 708-331-3301
    Phone 2: 708-932-8334

    Dan Swets: Chaplain Corey Buchanan: Chaplain
    Phone: 708-932-8334
    Prison Ministry that teaches carpentry and welding trades, and Bible study, to exprisoners
    Chicagoland Youth & Adult Training Ctr- KKC
    6301 S Halsted
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-783-0441

    Train ex-offenders and at-risk young adults in automotive repair techniques. The training center is located at Kennedy-King College. City of Chgo Workforce reentry
    703 W Monroe St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-798-3319

    Cleanslate is a neighborhood beautification/recycling program. Its provides a bridge to employment for hard to place individuals - 'on the job training program" and coaching classes to address issues
    Construction Industry Service Corp. (CISCO)
    616 Enterprise Dr, Ste 100
    Oak Brook, IL
    Phone 1: 630-472-9411

    IDES and IETC centers provide detailed information about apprentice programs, and location of construction trades now hiring.
    Creative Force Communications
    1593 Valencia Ct
    Calumet City, IL
    Phone 1: 708-868-6147

    Job and employment search agency
    East St Louis Area Township Ofc
    1210 State St
    East Saint Louis, IL
    Phone 1: 618-874-3650

    Life Skills training; computer resume services; contracted through IDOC; Reentry Center helping with employment readiness; shelter, transportation, & counseling
    Fourth Presbyterian Church
    126 E Chestnut St at North Michigan Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-787-4570

    David Donovan
    Career transition network
    Goodwill Industries Englewood Site
    2435 W 63rd St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-863-6030

    providers of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, such as welfare dependency, homele
    Goodwill Industries Great Lakes (Workforce Ctr)
    PO Box 88-7210
    Great Lakes, IL
    Phone 1: 847-473-7120
    Phone 2: 312-212-1290

    providers of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, such as welfare dependency, homelessness, and lack of education or work experience
    Goodwill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago
    819 S Wabash Ave-4th Fl
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-863-6030
    Phone 2: 312-212-1290

    providers of education, training, and career services for people with disadvantages, such as welfare dependency, homelessness, and lack of education or work experience
    Heartland Human Care Services Inc.
    4411 N Ravenswood Ave 2nd Floor
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-751-4000
    Phone 2: 773-728-5960 Abby Coppock
    Phone: ext 6211

    Provides a mix of mental health, substance abuse and job/employment assistance, including women and criminal justics clients.
    Howard Area Employment Resource Center
    1623 West Howard Street
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-262-3515 Charles Hardwick
    Phone: 773-262-3515
    Clara Hayes
    Phone: 773-262-3515
    Must live in city/Chicago, be motivated to become employed or improve employment status, 18yrs or age/older, low-income under the city of chicago income guidelines
    IL Deparment of Employment Security
    check web for local office
    Phone 1: 888-337-7234

    Ex-offender Resource Page; RESP worker - employment services for ex-felons; bonding & tax- incentives; Career Resources Network-skills assessment; job fairs posted, etc.
    IL Department of Employment Security
    14829 S Dixie Highway
    Harvey, IL
    Phone 1: 708-596-2325

    IL Department of Employment Security
    1515 E 71st St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-947-3645

    Archie Gayden: Re-entry liaison

    IL Department of Employment Security
    1657 S Blue Island Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-243-5100
    Phone 2: 312-738-0766 (TTY)

    IL Department of Employment Security
    3500 W Grand Ave.
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-227-7117
    Phone 2: 773-227-0489 (TTY)

    IL Department of Employment Security
    715 E 47th St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-538-5627
    Phone 2: 773-538-8260 (TTY)

    IL Department of Employment Security
    8750 S Stoney Island
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-221-3737 x 267

    Jerry Brumfield: Re-entry Liaison

    IL Department of Employment Security-Rkfrd
    3134 11th St
    Rockford, IL
    Phone 1: 815-395-6600 Leon Hansen: RESP Coordinator
    Phone: 815-395-6683

    IDES RESP worker for Rockford; tax incentives, bonding, employment services to FELONS
    Infant Jesus of Prague Chruch
    1131 Douglas Ave
    Flossmoor, IL
    Phone 1: 708-798-6579

    Jim Ross

    Inspiration Corporation
    4554 N Broadway, Ste 207
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-878-0981

    Employment Services, Café - Culinary, Studios, Food, Social services, Laundry, Community Voice Mail
    Lewis & Clark Marine Inc.
    2801 Rock Rd
    Granite City, IL
    Phone 1: 618-877-7200
    Phone 2: 618-876-0200

    Employment on Mississippi River barges that transport general commodities and dry bulk materials.
    Lincoln Park Community Shelter
    600 W Fullerton
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-549-6111

    Overnight shelter, interim housing, and employment resources
    Michael Barlow Center
    2120 W Warren Blvd
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-226-6270

    Mary Hornschemeier: Education Director Jim Zangs: MB Center Director Provides literary assessment, adult high school, intro college courses; training in food service prep, building maintenance; employment assessment; all for men and women
    North Lawndale Employment Network
    3726 W Flournoy
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-265-7940 Brenda Palms Barber: Chief Executive Director
    Referral Network; Employment program for Ex-offenders; Re-entry federal program - job training & Placement w/ Urban farming (bee-hives; landscaping, etc.) Youth Employment; Business and Job Develepmen
    OAI, Inc
    180 N Wabash Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-528-3500
    Phone 2: 312-528-3561 Kreshina Ingram: Prog Coord
    Christian Candelaria
    Pre-employment education, training
    Old St Patrick's Church
    711 W Monroe St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-906-9908
    Phone 2: 312-906-9908 ext 11

    Tom Murray
    Career Transition Center with scheduled sessions
    PACT {Pathways to Apprenticeships in the Construct
    13725 S Wabash Avenue
    Riverdale, IL
    Phone 1: 708-201-7156
    Phone 2: 312-528-3524 Kreshina Ingram: Program Coordinator
    Phone: 708-201-7156

    Assists minorities to gain acceptance into construction related apprenticeship programs. (Requirements-High School diploma or equivalent, 10th grade equivalency in math, Valid driver's license
    Peace CRC Employment Ministry
    833 E 168th St
    South Holland, IL
    Phone 1: 708-596-2887

    Linda Lester: Director

    Prisoner Release Ministry, Inc.
    37 East Cass St
    Joliet, IL
    Phone 1: 815-723-8998 Roger Logue: Executive Director

    Help prisoners find employment for over 32 years, 95% placement in 06; 69% placement in 08. Set goals, develop plan, self-improvement reading, educ, work skills
    Re-Entry Works Demonstration Project
    4750 N Sheridan Ste 200
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-728-5960
    Phone 2: 800-705-9613 Abby Coppock
    Phone: ext 6211

    Provides employment assistance, job placement assistance, job search assistance, local employment leads, use of computer resource room.
    Released To Freedom
    Inspired Heights
    Rockford, IL
    Phone 1: 815-298-2020 Tony Stratton: Founder
    Phyllis Stratton
    Phone: 815-298-0979
    Job training/placement in construction (church repair), and support groups for ex-ofenders in budget, anger management, Christian life teaching and accountability.
    Roosevelt University - Life Skills Centers
    10357 S Halsted
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-881-2958
    Phone 2: 312-341-4348

    Life Skills training; computer resume services; contracted through IDOC; Reentry Center helping with employment readiness; shelter, transportation, & counseling
    Roosevelt University- Life Skills Center
    100 N Western Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-633-1670-x2001
    Phone 2: 773-342-4729 David Briggs: Case Manager

    Life Skills training; computer resume services; contracted through IDOC; Reentry Center helping with employment readiness; shelter, transportation, & counseling
    Safer Foundation
    571 W Jackson Blvd
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-922-2200
    Phone 2: 312-913-5796 Diane Williams: President
    Employment Services-Job Readiness and Placement for Ex-offenders;contracts with IDOC to run two Adult Transition Centers - pre-release community work centers.
    St. Chrysostom's Episcopal Church
    1424 N Dearborn St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-944-1083

    Michael K. Cade
    Employment council; job club, networking, support group
    St. Michael's Church
    14327 Highland
    Orland Park, IL
    Phone 1: 708-349-7696
    Phone 2: 708-349-0903

    Buzz Van Hecke

    STRIVE Chicago Employment Service - South
    4910 S King Dr
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-624-9700 Cheryl Bland Wimbush: Director

    Multiple job readiness, job training in food service, drug store customer service, hospitality industry, non-custodial fathers work placement.
    The Employment Project of Inspiration Corp
    4554 N Broadway, Ste. 207
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-878-0981 Katherine Klein
    Phone: 773-878-0981

    Employment preparation training, career counseling, techincal job search assistance (resume writing, interview prep) and connections to local employers; Case management services for homeless
    Tower of Refuge Inc
    329 S New St
    Springfield, IL
    Phone 1: 217-492-9497 B Lee
    L Louden In Prison Re-entry Readiness Program: Resume; Interview Skills; Housing assistance; Networking with Employers Support Groups; Family Reconciliation ; health issues
    UCAN/Southern IL Collegiate Common Market
    3213 S Park Ave
    Herrin, IL
    Phone 1: 618-942-4710
    Phone 2: 217-428-9414

    Life Skills training; computer resume services; contracted through IDOC; Reentry Center helping with employment readiness; shelter, transportation, & counseling
    UCAN/Southern IL Collegiate Common Market
    406 Elm
    Peoria, IL
    Phone 1: 309-655-1614
    Phone 2: 217-366-3226

    Life Skills training; computer resume services; contracted through IDOC; Reentry Center helping with employment readiness; shelter, transportation, & counseling
    Urban League
    Phone 1: 773-285-5800

    Veterans Affairs-Chicago Ofc
    100 W Randolph St, Ste 5-570
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-814-2460

    Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program/ US Dept of Labor Grants/ Veterans Benefits: Education Assistance; Training Programs: Employment services; Medical Benefits; for Vets & w/in 18 mo of release
    Veterans Service Office - Kane #2
    460 Garfield Ave
    Aurora, IL
    Phone 1: 630-801-3565

    Veterans Service Office - Kane Co. #1
    254 Raymond St
    Elgin, IL
    Phone 1: 847-608-0138

    Veterans Service Office - Will
    2900 W Jefferson St.
    Joliet, IL
    Phone 1: 815-730-4334

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #1
    100 W Randolph, Ste. 5-570
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-814-2460

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #10
    14700 Ravinia Rd
    Orland Park, IL
    Phone 1: 708-403-2011

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #2
    5200 S Cottge Grove Ave. Rm 101-103 North
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-363-1492

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #3
    1551 N Kedzie Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-292-7894,

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #4
    1010 Dixie Highway, Ste 211
    Chicago Heights, IL
    Phone 1: 708-754-6403

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #6
    13838 S Springfield Rd Rm 157
    Robbins, IL
    Phone 1: 708-396-9840

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #7
    6610 W Cermak Rd
    Berwyn, IL
    Phone 1: 708-798-0540

    Veterans Service Office Cook Co #8
    1647 W 59th St 2nd Floor
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-918-7891

    Veterans Service Office DuPage
    421 County Farm Rd, Room 1-800
    Wheaton, IL
    Phone 1: 630-690-9449

    Westside Health Authority
    5417 W Division St
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-378-1878
    Phone 2: 773-786-0226 Rev. James Coleman
    Phone: Roger Ehmen, Dir
    Frankie White: Prisoner Reentry Coord
    Community Support Advisory Council - IDOC community networker and provider of reentry transition connections and services.
    Women With Purpose
    6216 W North Ave
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 773-637-7099

    Beverly Rogers: Founder, Dir
    Reentry program for formerly incarcerated women, providing partnerships for life skills training, GED, employment training and entrepreneur training.
    Women's Self Employment Project
    118 S LaSalle, Ste 1850
    Chicago, IL
    Phone 1: 312-606-8255 ext131 Roopa Akkineni

    Entreprenuerial training for low-income and minority women; pilot program for those with criminal records; payment based on sliding ability-to-pay scale.
    Workforce Network
    211 Fulton St Suite 300
    Peoria, IL
    Phone 1: 309-495-8900

    Workforce Network is a partnership of state and local workforce organizations making their services available through a coordinated, one-stop system.