Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chicago Zoological Society

Track Your Science Career

Whether exploring the natural backwoods of Illinois, talking to zoo guests about dolphins, or researching penguin DNA, the Chicago Zoological Society's Career Ladder has something for you!

Youth from the Chicagoland area are taking advantage of the Career Ladder to learn about the zoo’s animals and exhibits, make new friends, go to different natural areas and cool places, and get connected with jobs in the summer. Kids and teens make their way through Brookfield Zoo, following their own interests and enthusiasm.

There are currently five rungs on the Career Ladder:

First Rung:
ZAP!—Zoo Adventure Passport!
(Open to families with children ages 3-12)
Come join the fun at the Chicago Public Library (Rudy Lozano, and West Belmont branches only) to explore our world through games, fun activities, and crafts. You'll receive a passport at the first program which you can get stamped each time you come to ZAP! Attend three or more programs to be invited to attend Brookfield Zoo on ZAP! Family Days.

Second Rung:
Kids’ Club—Explore Science After School
(Open to students grades 6-8)
Join a Kids’ Club at the Chicago Public Library (Rudy Lozano and West Belmont branches only) or the Maywood Public Library to participate in fun, hands-on science and nature-related activities. All Kids’ Club activities are free, and members meet once a month, from October through April. Each Club has up to 20 participants at each location.

Third Rung:
Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) — Serving Brookfield Zoo and Making Friends
(Open to students entering grades 9-12)
If you enjoy meeting and working with other teens, learning about animals, and talking to people about nature, then YVC may be for you! YVC offers teens the opportunity to discover conservation, wildlife, and science through a series of two tracks. Youth Volunteers in their first year must attend all training sessions and volunteer at least 120 hours per year. Learn more about becoming a Youth Volunteer!

Fourth Rung:
Paid Positions
—Career Ladder teens are eligible to apply for a variety of summer seasonal jobs in the zoo’s Education Department. As well, YVC teens can apply for other seasonal job opportunities at Brookfield Zoo.

Final Rung:
College Scholarships
—As a Career Ladder member who is majoring in a conservation-related field, you can apply for special scholarships awarded by the Chicago Zoological Society’s Women’s Board.

Brookfield Zoo is a great place to learn about careers in conservation, help our guests, and learn more about this planet’s wildest and most diverse animals

Chicago Voyagrs

Outdoor activities for youth!

Guiding Youth On Their Journey

Chicago Voyagers (CV) is a non-for-profit organization that guides at-risk youth on their journey by providing outdoor environmental activities that offer developmental, life-changing experiences. We teach youth about relationships, responsibility, achievement, and community service through such activities as mountain biking, camping, skiing, canoeing, and hiking trips.

Today’s average elementary student spends more than six hours a day playing video games, watching television, or using a computer and research shows that outdoor experiences helps reduce negative stress, childhood obesity, and protects psychological well-being.

Summer is a great time to schedule an outing for your youth groups and expose them to the outdoors, so please contact for Bernie Rupe at (847) 636-0422 or and check out the website ( for more details on availability and their very reasonable costs. Chicago Voyagers is currently offering 20% discounts on their mountain and trail bike trips as well as 50% discounts for those groups interested in performing environmental service projects.

Man Up

Man Up!: What Does That Even Mean?What does it mean to be a real man? What do you think tough guy? Think you got what it takes to be a strong leader? Do you think it’s your time to step up and be a hero? Well, let’s spend the summer together tearing down the old walls and building new roads around the ideas of masculinity and power. Through riveting discussions, fun activities, and keeping good company, this 10 week group is sure to be a blast. This group serves male-, female-, and trans-identified youth 13-18 years old, interested in thinking critically about race, gender, and its affect on leadership development today. Please join us Mondays, starting July 11, 2011 through September 26, 2011 from 2-4 PM, in the Polk Bros. Foundation Youth Center. If interested please contact Russell Love-Mitchell at (773)472-6469 ext. 490, or email at